Saturday, July 30, 2011

odds and ends

I've become obsessed with googling harry potter actors since, obviously, HP7part2. The twitter/tumblr/youtube invterviews are a dangerous rabbit hole of hours of time-wasting. Draco has a twitter, peeps! (photo cred: from there)

I've also reread the series from books 1-6 (I reread 7 right before the movie....not sure if I'm going to do it again or not). Books 2 and 5 used to be my faves. Now it is 3 and 5 for sure.

I am not quite able to process that july is over. 2 weeks until i go back to st. louis. it's not school that i actually dislike. it's the in-between, transitioning. I gotta work on that.

Feeling the need for a change next much as I love the up north, read tons of books, host lots of friends/fam, beachy, summery lifestyle, I need to switch it up a bit next summer. I think a travel is needed, and not just the quick 2 day trips to visit friends.

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