Sunday, May 27, 2012

Summer Comes!


Typical sweltering heat in Saint Louis has ushered in Memorial Day weekend. We don't get the weekend off at my school - we actually have Field Day tomorrow. It is only a half day, but a half day of wrangling ready-for-summer kiddos in 97 degree humidity is worth 3 days, at least. Thus, I allowed myself one of the laziest Sundays I've had in awhile, complete with a mid-afternoon nap (which I rarely do) while a Real Housewives marathon droned on in the background. Wednesday is my last day of school, but the week will have lots of report card writing and other logistical things, including finalizing some plans for a two and a half week road trip I'll be taking later in June. This past week also marked my 3rd trip to Memphis, 2nd as a chaperone taking sophomores to the Civil Rights Museum, Underground Railroad Museum, Graceland, Stax Museum, and Gibson Guitar Factory. No pictures, since I've pretty much done that extensively to this point, but the Stax Museum (formerly Stax Recording, a soul and r&b recording studio) and Gibson Guitar Factory were two new highlights. Most of all because I bought a ukelele at Gibson! I've wanted one for a long time, and although I'm not an amazing musician, I'm musical enough to teach myself a thing or two with a little help from friends, Summer projects and hobbies are always fun to start....

Friday, May 4, 2012


Good thing no one reads this blog except me and about 3 friends. Check-in time. Although the new blogger layout is so weird I may never come back. Technology changes = confused me. Spring is in full swing and I am in please-can't-it-be-the-end-of-the-school-year-before-i-murder-someone mode. Three and a half weeks to go. And it is officially HOT now in St. Louis. The first really hot, humid days of the year almost hurt physically, like I've forgotten what really sweating and squinting and sweltering feel like. But my fave local farmers' market opens tomorrow...hip hip! And this quite pleasing video (found at Jo, of course) made me chuckle enough to watch it more than once. Guilty of just about all of this!